Category Archives: Post-16 Letters

This Category is for post-16 announcements such as letters, or student/parent information.

SGLA Behaviour Policy : Reflection and Refocus Centre

Dear Parents and Carers, RE: SGLA Behaviour Policy : Reflection and Refocus Centre Sir Geoffrey [...]

Standards and Expectations 2025

Dear Parents and Carers  RE: Standards and Expectations 2025  As we end 2024 and look [...]

End of Module 2

Dear Parents/Carers,  Re: End of Module 2 and Beginning of Module 3 (Year 7 – [...]

Exam Certificate Collection

Dear Students I am pleased to inform you that we have now received all your [...]

Year 13 Mock Examinations 

Dear Parents and Carers,  RE: Year 13 Mock examinations  We would like to remind you [...]