Dear Parents and Carers
RE: Standards and Expectations 2025
As we end 2024 and look towards many new opportunities in 2025, I would like to remind our community of the standards and expectations we set for ourselves as we strive for excellence in all that we do.
Start of Module 3
Term begins on Tuesday 7th January for all students. A reminder that students in Year 7 to 11 must be at the academy for College line up at 8:20am everyday with registration at 8:25am. Post-16 students should arrive for tutor time at 8:30am.
Our aim at the academy is for all students to be in school all of the time and that they are punctual arriving at the academy. Being on time to the academy is a basic measure of respect; a core value of Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy. Please ensure that your child arrives on time. We want to ensure students have the best opportunities to reach their potential academically and this begins with being on time, every time to the academy and lessons. We also want to ensure our students have real employability by developing life skills beyond the classroom, and punctuality is just one of the life skills required for future success.
A reminder that students in Year 7 to 11 should be in full academy uniform every day in accordance with the academy Uniform Policy.
Students can continue to wear their The Leigh Academy uniform, or can purchase the new uniform items with the Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy design on from Brigade or TFS; links in the Uniform Policy. Students in Year 12 and 13 should be in business dress in accordance with the published Post 16 dress code.
In the event that your child cannot wear full academy uniform, you must send a note explaining this and they will be issued a ‘College Pass’ for one day. Please note that shoes are compulsory and trainers must not be worn. Blazers are also compulsory, where a jumper can be worn underneath, but not in place of a blazer.
All students have an academy Chromebook and they must bring them fully charged and ready for use on Tuesday 7th January and everyday thereafter. In the event that a Chromebook becomes damaged and needs to be repaired, students must notify their tutor immediately.
A reminder that it is often particularly busy in our academy, Goals car parks and the surrounding roads. As the morning and evenings continue to be darker, it is essential that our children cross the road safely at designated points and be very mindful of their role in staying safe on route to and from the academy. We also expect our students to be polite and respectful of other pavement and road users during their commute and I take this opportunity to remind us all of this.
We strongly recommend that you take advantage of our ‘Park and Stride’ initiative. Families are encouraged to use Dartford Football Club’s extensive parking facilities to drop off their child at the stadium, with the student then making their way on foot through the complex to the academy’s Princes Road entrance. This walk takes no more than five minutes, with students met at the Princes Road entrance by members of Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy duty staff.
We wish you a restful and happy Christmas, and look forward to our students back on Tuesday 7th January 2025.
Yours faithfully
Julia Collins | Principal