Healthy Minds Curriculum

Healthy Minds is a unique approach to teaching personal, social, health topics that enables students to navigate the world within and beyond school. Students are taught one lesson per week from Y7 – 10 and enjoy a range of lessons that enable class discussions and debates. Students participate in a variety of topics that include building resilience, ensuring internet and mobile phone safety, aspirational career guidance, as well as how to maintain healthy relationships. The lessons are taught by a variety of specifically trained Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy staff and continue to be popular among the students. Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy has achieved the Healthy Minds kitemark from Bounce Forward. 

Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy were part of the national pilot of the programme which now serves over 800,000 young people in schools up and down the country. Our Personal Development offer was recognised as an area of excellence by Challenge Partners in 2021.

Lessons bring together aspects of prior learning:

  • Planning an uncertain future
  • Strategies for a change of direction
  • Wobble