Year 9 Interim MYP Assessment Weeks

Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy Letter image

Dear Parent/Carer 

Re: Year 9 Interim MYP Assessment Weeks 

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you about the Year 9 Interim Assessment weeks, starting on Monday 13th January 2025. This is an opportunity for students to formally demonstrate what they have learned and know as a result of the teaching they have received, as well as support them to prepare for the next stage of learning. 

During this 2 week period, students will be tested on the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout Modules 1 and 2. They will complete an assessment in each subject. 

Subject Leaders will be scheduling exactly when subject assessments will be within this window and will communicate both the timing and topic lists via subject Google Classrooms. Please encourage your child to ensure they know exactly what they will be tested on and to spend appropriate time learning and revising for these assessments. 

The outcome of these assessments will be published in the Module 3 reports which you will receive on Tuesday 11th February 2025, followed by a Parent – Teacher afternoon on Wednesday 12th February. 

Further information about assessment can be found in the Assessment section of the academy website and will be added to the Year 9 Google Classroom. 

Assessments will last no longer than fifty minutes and will be completed within timetabled lessons. 

We will continue to prepare students for revision and preparation for these assessments through lessons and tutor time. The students may also refer back to their exercise books, online platforms such as Sparx and their subject Google classrooms to support their revision. 

We understand that preparing for the IB MYP Assessments could cause worry for some of our students, so please do remind your son/daughter to talk initially to their subject teacher or form tutor if they have any concerns. 

Yours faithfully 

Mr K Brewer | Head of College, leading on examinations