Dear Parent/Carer
The Modern Foreign Languages team would like to give your child the opportunity to further expand their cultural landscape by joining us for an international breakfast. This will allow them to develop their understanding and appreciation of other cultures.
We decided to bring the culture directly to your child within the academy’s walls. To enable this, Cucina will cater a selection of different breakfast items to your child.
We would like to invite every Year 9 student on a College rota system so that they can all experience this culinary opportunity as a community as Mrs Collins has also decided to offer one free item per child. Any additional items that students would like can be purchased in the normal manner at the tills. The day will not be different except for Tutor Time which they will spend in the restaurant on a specific day indicated below based on their college. Whilst they enjoy their food item in the restaurant, they will complete a series of cultural activities as part of the IB MYP ethos.
In order to further open their mind to success and broaden their horizons, students will have to pick a language for their GCSE option. This will also ensure that your child can secure the best possible future when competing in the global market.
We continue to support students to become more internationally minded and successful language ambassadors.
The schedule will be as follows:
- Monday morning 03/02/25
Year 9 Curie students to the restaurant at 8:30am - Wednesday morning 05/02/25
Year 9 Shakespeare students to the restaurant at 8:30am - Thursday morning 06/02/25
Year 9 Seacole students to the restaurant at 8:30am - Friday morning 07/02/25
Year 9 Mandela students to the restaurant at 8:30am
Yours faithfully
Thomas Hurth
Director of Learning for Modern Foreign Languages