Dear Parent/Carer,
RE: End of Module letter
Thank you for your ongoing support during Module 1, it has been a pleasure to welcome the students back into the academy following the summer break. The students have settled back into academy life well and are working hard in lessons. The academy has seen over 1200 students and parents visit for our Year 6 open evenings which have been very successful. It has once again been a very busy module throughout the academy with lots of events taking place on and off site.
In terms of communication, I would like to remind parents of some of the key information that can be accessed via our academy website to help you and your child navigate their educational journey.
You can access information on the curriculum that your child studies, covering curriculum intent, implementation and impact via the curriculum and assessment section of our website.
Safeguarding, student-wellbeing and behaviour are central to the success and ethos at the academy and you can find our policies on Safeguarding Child Protection, Anti-bullying, Behaviour for Learning, Relationships and Sex Education, as well as a number of our other policies on our website under Policies.
In addition, there is specific information on our SEN department on the SEND link.
To ensure that you are able to monitor your child’s attendance and other key data e.g. attendance and reports, you should have access to the My Child at School App. If you have any issues in accessing this system, please contact your child’s college office so that we can resolve this issue, thus enabling you to access information about your child and the academy via your mobile phone. If you need to update any of your contact details, you can do so through the My Child at School (MCAS) app.
Could we also ask that all of your child’s items they bring/use for school are named including PE kits and coats.
Finally, as we move towards the end of a very successful Module, I would like to remind parents/carers that the last day of Module 1 is Friday 18th October and students will return for Module 2 on Monday 4th November.
The last day of the module is a normal school day. Students should arrive by 8.20am and the school day will end, as usual, at 3.15pm.
We wish you and your family a relaxing half term break.
Yours faithfully
Julia Collins | Principal