Dear Parents and Carers,
Re: Start of the new term
Welcome back to the new academic year at Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy (SGLA). This week we have welcomed back all students in Years 7 to 13 and it has been lovely to see students and staff reconnecting. I am writing with a few updates as the year begins.
Exam results 2024
We are delighted with our results both at Key Stage 4 and 5 this summer. Our students have achieved fantastic levels of attainment and progress and we are so proud of them all. These results highlight the resilience and perseverance of our young people who have overcome significant demands over the course of their studies and shown true Leigh spirit. Thank you too, to all parents, carers and of course our staff, for their commitment to ensuring these young people have the very best outcomes.
Key Stage 4 – Year 11 results
Our Year 11 students have achieved higher grades, across subjects than those in 2019. We compare to 2019 as this was the last time a full unmitigated set of examinations took place nationally due to the pandemic. The national picture is that schools and the DfE were expecting a dip in results in 2024. At the Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy we have bucked this trend and matched or exceeded our 2023 figures in the majority of measures. These results are testament to the students’ years of hard work and commitment to studies, despite the challenges and disruptions of recent years.
83% of Leigh students achieved a grade 4 or above in English, with 70% achieving a grade 5 or above. 63% of Leigh students achieved a 4 or above in mathematics, with 40% achieving a grade 5 or above. Languages continue to be particularly popular and successful at the Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy with the highest number of students choosing to continue to study a Modern Foreign Language at GCSE level. 75 % of students studying French or Spanish achieved a Grade 4 or above, with 63% achieving a Grade 5 or above in Spanish and 46 % achieving a Grade 5 or above in French. 92% of Separate Science students achieved a Grade 4 or higher with 16 grades 8 or 9 also being awarded across Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Vocational subjects also continue to be exceptionally strong, highlighting our students’ consistent performance across the two years of study, with students in every BTEC achieving multiple Level 2 Distinction Stars, including in Health & Fitness, Health and Social Care, ICT, Engineering and Performing Arts. We also have a high number of grade 9s across a range of subjects including – Maths, English Language, English Literature, Combined Science, Physics, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, German, Fine Art, Business Studies and GCSE PE. Congratulations to our outgoing Year 11 students on a fantastic set of results and we look forward to welcoming so many back for their Post 16 studies.
Key Stage 5 – Year 13 results
We are thrilled with our Post-16 results at the Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy this summer. The students have worked with dedication and accepted the exceptional support provided by their teachers.
We offer a range of qualification types in Post-16 at the Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy and all have fantastic outcomes. Students studying the International Baccalaureate Diplomas discovered that they had achieved the best IB results the academy has had since it was authorised as an IB World School in 2017. In that five year period, the Average Points Score (APS) of our IB students has risen by 11, so that our APS of 31 now places us first amongst the Leigh Academies Trust secondaries overall and above the IB’s global average. Especially strong performances were in Psychology (100% grades 4 to 7 and 77% grades 5 to 7), Global Politics (100% grades 4 to 7 and 79% grades 5 to 7) and Social and Cultural Anthropology (94% grades 7 to 4, 69% grades 7 to 5).
Our A Level results are above those in 2023 and again place us as the highest Average Points Score of the non-selective academies with Leigh Academies Trust. Exceptional attainment in the Arts with 100% B or above in both A Level Fine Art and A Level Graphics, and 100% grade C and above in A Level Photography.
BTEC subjects proved consistently successful, with particularly strong performances in Computing (100% graded at Merit or above and 57% graded at Distinction or above) and Business (100% graded merit or above and 77 % Distinction) with Distinction being the average grade across all the BTEC subjects offered.
75% of our Year 13 cohort will take up places at university this autumn, with the rest either beginning apprenticeships, employment or taking a gap year to travel. Recognition must be given to the determination shown by all SGLA staff and particularly the Post-16 teachers, tutors and Attenborough College team, who have supported our students to great success now and into their future.
The academy site
Over the summer we have also had extensive works carried out at the Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy. This is the first phase of our 3 year expansion project. We are expanding our Published Admission Number (PAN) over the next 3 years at the request of the local authority. This is testament to our popularity, strong reputation in the community as well as our successful outcomes. All expansion work is being fully funded by Kent. This September we have opened two brand new classrooms, as well as 16 new toilet cubicles. Staff are delighted with the two new teaching areas and I am sure that students will enjoy and appreciate the new learning environment and extra facilities available. Further work is planned for summer 2025, as well as a brand new Post 16 building to be opened in September 2026.
Communication Home / Academy
We know that home/academy communication is a vital ingredient in your child’s success, as such a reminder that your first port of call is usually your child’s form tutor. Alternatively please do contact your child’s college admin who will be able to answer any queries or direct you to the appropriate person.
- Main Reception – 01322 620400
- Attenborough College Admin – 01322 620439
- Curie College Admin – 01322 620508
- Mandela College Admin – 01322 620511
- Seacole College Admin – 01322 620520
- Shakespeare College Admin – 01322 620507
Thank you for your ongoing support as we work in partnership to support your child. I look forward to welcoming you to upcoming events throughout the year ahead.
Yours sincerely,
Julia Collins | Principal