Intervention Tutor Groups for Year 11

The Leigh Academy Letter image

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you are aware we are currently working with Year 10 students to ensure that they make the very best transition into Year 11. The GCSE year is focused on academic success and we are committed to ensuring that all students secure excellent outcomes and achieve the qualifications needed to progress along their desired career path. In September we will have our Year 11 Information Evening, and we will outline to you the comprehensive package of interventions that will take place throughout Year 11, which include after-school sessions, Masterclasses, and tutor intervention.

I want to inform you at this stage that Year 10 will move to their Year 11 tutor group on Monday 17th June. We have a dedicated Year 11 tutor team (outlined below), made up of English and Maths teachers who are very experienced in working with students in their final year of secondary education.

Year 10 Tutor Group

New Year 11 Tutor Group


MD11: Mr. McGarvey in MD1.06


MD12: Ms. Grozdanic in MD1.07


CU11: Mrs Adams & Ms. Sterling in CU2.03


CU12: Ms. Henry in CU2.05


SE11: Miss Ritson in SE1.06


SE12: Mrs Sandhu in SE1.07


SH11: Ms Miller & Miss Ratcliffe in SH2.02


SH12: Mr. Buraimoh in SH 2.05

The tutor periods will cover English and Maths interventions, personal development, Study Skills and revision, Post-16 preparation, and an assembly each week. We hope you will appreciate that this decision has been made in an effort to secure your child the best possible outcomes in the lead-up to their exams. Students may move between Maths and English tutors for interventions through each module in Year 11, depending on your son/ daughter’s needs.

If you wish to discuss this further, please contact your child’s college leadership team.

Yours faithfully,

Sarah Forde
Senior Leader of Curriculum