Dear Parents/Carers,
The Leigh Academy would like to invite your son/daughter to the Year 7 Easter Disco, which will be held on Thursday, 21st March 2024 from 3.45pm to 5.00pm.
The event, includes a disco, entertainment and other fun activities, was very popular last year. This is a great opportunity for Year 7 students to socialise with each other, while giving back to our local Domestic Abuse Charity Solace, as any profit is being donated to Solace.
It is important to note that this charitable, yet exciting event is planned, organised and executed by a group of responsible year 9 students for the purpose of their IBMYP Community Project. The senior leadership team and members of staff of The Leigh fully endorse, have oversight and will be supervising the evening’s event.
To ensure that this exciting event can proceed as planned, it is essential that we confirm the level of interest.
If you would like your son/daughter to attend, the total cost of the evening is £2.00. Payment and consents for the afternoon are to be made on ParentPay. We would however encourage students to purchase their tickets prior to the day of the event, in order to put all the necessary plans in place for a successful function.
If there are not a sufficient number of students to make the event viable, we will have to cancel the event and all monies received will be refunded.
We look forward to seeing your child at the Year 7 Easter Disco.
Yours faithfully,
Sarah McCabe-Knowles
MYP Coordinator