Refocus Project

Three Leigh Academy students, one girl and two boys, are seen walking around a large atrium area inside the academy building and conversing with one another.

Dear Parent or Carer,

Re: Refocus Project

At The Leigh Academy, we believe in a values-led curriculum that not only teaches students academically, but also prepares them for a life that embraces our academy values of Responsibility, Respect and Resilience. We are proud of the personal development opportunities we offer, such as weekly Healthy Minds lessons, after-school clubs, trips, visiting speakers, and of course representing the academy at public events and sporting events. 

Our comprehensive offer looks to incorporate a wide range of topics and themes that are important for our students and their lives. As part of this extensive programme, students will receive a 30 minute assembly during this module from a local community group called the Refocus Project, who seek to prevent people experiencing violence and joining gangs. The assembly will provide students with information, guidance and support on how to spot possible issues, avoid common pitfalls that they may not understand and make informed choices on keeping themselves and others safe. 

Refocus is a highly respected, locally recognised organisation to provide this information to students on what can sometimes be a difficult and challenging topic for young people. Alongside the assembly, students will also be supported by their College pastoral teams around the topics and information shared. 

If you have any questions about this topic or about the Refocus Project, then please visit their website (, or contact your child’s College team. 

Yours Sincerely

Chris Bradley
Assistant Head of College: Mandela & Personal Development.