Dear Parent & Carers,
Re: Curie College welcome letter
I am delighted to be writing to you and to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the Head of Curie College, my role here is to oversee the pastoral wellbeing of your child as well as support them to academic success. Our Curie team works together with you at home to ensure each child is supported as members of our College and school community.
Mr Williams joined Curie in Module 6 last year and he is a very experienced Leigh Academy Assistant Head of College that previously worked within Shakespeare and Mandela colleges. I am very proud to have him on team Curie and we are hoping his PE expertise will help us win this year’s sports day! We are also aiming to be the winners of the Literacy competition running this year, so please take time to ensure that your child is reading regularly and making full use of both our physical and online libraries. Information on this and the literacy challenge are on each year group’s Google Classroom.
Marie Curie was an incredibly inspiring woman, who showed the resilience and hard work we expect from the members of our college. She is someone to be admired and inspired by, especially as the first person ever to win two nobel prizes in both Physics and Chemistry and as a multilinguist whose groundbreaking work in medicine helped to discover cancer treatments.
Below we have included some important information to help ensure a smooth start to the academic year 2023/24.
Curie College Contacts
- Head of College – Ms Kelly Maxwell –
- Assistant Head of College – Mr Mike Williams –
- Student Support Manager – Ms Claire Read –
- College Administrator – Mrs Janet Senior – 01322 620508
A reminder that, your child is expected to wear the following as per the guidance available on our website and to purchase here:
- Our navy blue blazer with Curie academy crest;
- Plain black tailored trousers or navy blue pleated skirt
- White blouse or white shirt worn with Curie academy tie;
- Plain white or black socks;
- Plain flat black leather/leather effect shoes only.
Mobile Phones
Please also let me take this opportunity to remind you that mobile phones are not permitted to be used on the academy site. If seen, they will be removed and kept at college admin all day and an after school sanction issued. If this should happen more than once, parents or carers will be called to collect. Should a child need to contact home during the day, they can do so through the main office at Curie admin.
Other useful information can be found on our website including:
We are really looking forward to working in partnership with you and your child for a successful year ahead.
Yours faithfully,
Ms Kelly Maxwell | Head of Curie College