Entry Requirements

  • 5+ GCSEs at 9-4
  • Grade 4 in English (language or literature)
  • Grade 4 in a science related subject
  • Grade 5 in PE
  • Grade 5 in the PE written examination


Andrew Pickett
Coordinator of Learning – Sport


Course Outline

In Sport, students will learn how to work independently and gain the ability to research actively and methodically. These are transferable skills that further education providers value. This subject will cover aspects on Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being, Professional Development in the Sports Industry and Sports Leadership and be assessed through both external examinations and internal assessments . This subject will provide students with a broad knowledge of Sport for further education or employment within the sporting industry.

Course Assessment

Students will also learn what fundamentals are necessary when delivering their own coaching session. They will plan and deliver a session and then complete a review on their understanding of different leadership strategies and create their own action plan to improve their own practice for the future.

  • Unit 1: Anatomy & Physiology
    1 hour 30 mins
  • Unit 2: Fitness Training & Programming for Health, Sport and Wellbeing
    2 hour 30 mins
  • Unit 3: Professional Development in the Sports Industry
    Students will take part in, and reflect on, a personal skills audit, career action plan and practical interview assessment activities.
  • Unit 4: Sports Leadership
    Students will complete assignments based on:
    1) Leadership roles and understanding the impact of their skills, qualities and characteristics
    2) How psychological factors affect sporting performance and sports leaders