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KS3: RE and Ethics in the MYP

By the end of Year 13 and up to 7 years of studying at Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy, students of humanities subjects will see themselves as global citizens who have a depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding about the changing physical and human world that they are a part of. Moreover, they will be imbued with the skills to work and contribute to society as guardians of each other – be that surveying the landscape, advocating for minorities or applying the law, to give a few examples. 

To have achieved this, students begin in Year 7 with a foundation of three core humanities subjects, each given 1 hour per week and each combining to form an Individuals and Societies curriculum offer following the IB MYP framework that goes beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum. A study of RE and Ethics, Geography and History gives students the opportunity to consider the threshold concept of change through different perspectives, surroundings and narratives. Asking themselves how they and other people got ‘here’ and allow them to consider ‘where’ they will go in their life. Assessed across 4 common themes of Knowledge, Investigation, Communication and Critical Thinking, but formulated in such a way that the distinct disciplinary methodologies come across strongly. For example, for critical thinking in Ethics, students learn about religion but also from it. In Geography students research through field work and create primary data. In History, students analyse sources and interpretations to grasp how historical narratives are constructed by historians. See the subject pages for further details.

In Year 7, students are introduced to the six main religions as well as the links between religion and ethical issues. Debates relating to Animals and the Rich and Poor People of the UK. This is designed to prepare students for Y8 when a deeper examination of religious and ethical perspectives in relation to Prejudice, Suffering and the Planet takes place. 

Schedule of Learning Y7

Year 7 students have 1 hour of RE & Ethics lessons per week.

  • Module 1 and 2: What beliefs shape the six main religious communities?
  • Module 3 and 4: How do Humans use animals?
  • Module 5 and 6: Is it possible to close the gap between rich and poor?

Year 7 Assessment

Students will be assessed regularly using short quizzes, homework and end of unit assessments. Students will be assessed based on the following criteria throughout the year:

  • Use vocabulary in context
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, using descriptions, explanations and examples.
  • Explain the choice of the research question
  • Follow an action plan to explore a research question
  • Collect and record relevant information consistent with the research question
  • Reflect on the process and results of the investigation
  • I communicated information and ideas in a way that is completely clear
  • Completely organized information and ideas effectively list sources of information in a way that follows the task instructions.
  • Identify the main points of ideas, events, visual representation or arguments
  • Use information to justify an opinion
  • Identify and analyse a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose
  • Identify different views and their implications

Year 7 Resources

Students will have individual Google Classrooms, where homework may be set. It will be important that students are regularly checking these for updates from their teacher. 

The Humanities Department has created a website to support student learning in Ethics. Here you will find resources and instructions on how to complete work if you are working from home but you must be signed into your school google account on your web browser.

In Year 8, students begin to examine religious and ethical perspectives in relation to Prejudice, Suffering and the Planet. This prepares students for Y9 when they develop their evaluative skills through learning about religious and non-religious attitudes towards Rites of Passage, Drugs, and Medical Ethics.

Schedule of Learning Y8

Year 8 students have 1 hour of RE & Ethics per week.

  • Module 1 and 2: Is it possible to end discrimination?
  • Module 3 and 4: Why do people suffer?
  • Module 5 and 6: Can we solve environmental issues?

Year 8 Assessment

Students will be assessed regularly using short quizzes, homework and end of unit assessments. Students will be assessed based on the following criteria throughout the year:

  • Use vocabulary in context
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, using descriptions, explanations and examples.
  • Explain the choice of the research question
  • Follow an action plan to explore a research question
  • Collect and record relevant information consistent with the research question
  • Reflect on the process and results of the investigation
  • I communicated information and ideas in a way that is completely clear
  • Completely organized information and ideas effectively list sources of information in a way that follows the task instructions.
  • Identify the main points of ideas, events, visual representation or arguments
  • Use information to justify an opinion
  • Identify and analyse a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose
  • Identify different views and their implications

Year 8 Resources

Students will have individual Google Classrooms, where homework may be set. It will be important that students are regularly checking these for updates from their teacher. 

The Humanities Department has created a website to support student learning in Ethics. Here you will find resources and instructions on how to complete work if you are working from home but you must be signed into your school google account on your web browser.

In Year 9, students develop their evaluative skills through learning about religious and non-religious attitudes towards Rites of Passage, Drugs, and Medical Ethics. This prepares them for GCSE  when they will study Beliefs in Christianity and Judaism as well as Religion, Relationships and Families and Religion, Crime and Punishment, Peace and Conflict and Religion and Life. The knowledge journey that pupils will have completed by the end of the 5 years will not just prepare them for further study, but to understand the world around them.

Schedule of Learning Y9

Year 9 students have 1 hour of RE & Ethics per week.

  • Module 1 and 2: Why do people commit crime?
  • Module 3 and 4: Is medical intervention always ethical?
  • Module 5 and 6: Why are rites of passage important?

Year 9 Assessment

Students will be assessed regularly using short quizzes, homework and end of unit assessments. Students will be assessed based on the following criteria throughout the year:

  • Use vocabulary in context
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, using descriptions, explanations and examples.
  • Explain the choice of the research question
  • Follow an action plan to explore a research question
  • Collect and record relevant information consistent with the research question
  • Reflect on the process and results of the investigation
  • I communicated information and ideas in a way that is completely clear
  • Completely organized information and ideas effectively list sources of information in a way that follows the task instructions.
  • Identify the main points of ideas, events, visual representation or arguments
  • Use information to justify an opinion
  • Identify and analyse a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose
  • Identify different views and their implications

Year 9 Resources

Students will have individual Google Classrooms, where homework may be set. It will be important that students are regularly checking these for updates from their teacher. 

The Humanities Department has created a website to support student learning in Ethics. Here you will find resources and instructions on how to complete work if you are working from home but you must be signed into your school google account on your web browser.

back to KS4 subjects

KS4: GCSE Religious Studies

By the end of Year 13 and up to 7 years of studying at Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy, students of humanities subjects will see themselves as global citizens who have a depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding about the changing physical and human world that they are a part of. Moreover, they will be imbued with the skills to work and contribute to society as guardians of each other – be that surveying the landscape, advocating for minorities or applying the law, to give a few examples. 

To have achieved this, students begin in Year 7 with a foundation of three core humanities subjects, each given 1 hour per week and each combining to form an Individuals and Societies curriculum offer following the IB MYP framework that goes beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum. A study of RE and Ethics, Geography and History gives students the opportunity to consider the threshold concept of change through different perspectives, surroundings and narratives. Asking themselves how they and other people got ‘here’ and allow them to consider ‘where’ they will go in their life. Assessed across 4 common themes of Knowledge, Investigation, Communication and Critical Thinking, but formulated in such a way that the distinct disciplinary methodologies come across strongly. For example, for critical thinking in Ethics, students learn about religion but also from it. In Geography students research through field work and create primary data. In History, students analyse sources and interpretations to grasp how historical narratives are constructed by historians. See the subject pages for further details.

GCSE AQA Religious Studies is taken by more than half the RS students in England.  It provides a sound platform for those who wish to progress to KS5 IB Social and Cultural Anthropology.  It also expands students’ ability to read, write and evaluate facts – a key skill found in all other subjects, and one required for life.

The course includes the study of Christianity and Judaism as well as a range of Contemporary Ethical Issues such as Conflict and Peace.  By offering a broad range of issues, students develop a keen understanding of the world they inhabit and are well placed to become global citizens.

For more information about Religious Studies  in Year 10, please contact Mrs Wilkinson.

A summary of Year 10 content

Year 10 students have 3 hours of Religious Studies lessons per week.

  • Module 1: Jewish Beliefs
  • Module 2: Relationships and Families
  • Module 3: Christian Beliefs
  • Module 4: Crime and Punishment
  • Module 5: Revision
  • Module 6: Conflict and Peace

Year 10 Assessment

Year 10 students will be assessed regularly using short quizzes, and examination style questions. Mock Examinations will be sat in Module 5/6.

Year 10 Resources

Students will have access to Google Classrooms, where homework may be set. It will be important that students are regularly checking these for updates.

GCSE AQA Religious Studies is taken by more than half the RS students in England.  It provides a sound platform for those who wish to progress to KS5 IB Social and Cultural Anthropology.  It also expands students’ ability to read, write and evaluate facts – a key skill found in all other subjects, and one required for life.

The course includes the study of Christianity and Judaism as well as a range of Contemporary Ethical Issues such as Conflict and Peace.  By offering a broad range of issues, students develop a keen understanding of the world they inhabit and are well placed to become global citizens.

For more information about Religious Studies  in Year 11, please contact Mrs Wilkinson.

A summary of Year 11 content

Year 11 students have 3 hours of Religious Studies lessons per week.

  • Module 1: Jewish Practices
  • Module 2: Christian Practices
  • Module 3: Origins of Life
  • Module 4: Revision
  • Module 5: Revision

Year 11 Assessment

Year 11 students will be assessed regularly using short quizzes, and examination style questions. Mock examinations will be sat in Module 2

Year 11 Resources

Students will have access to Google Classrooms, where homework may be set. It will be important that students are regularly checking these for updates.  Students will also be provided with a Revision Booklet.