In Year 7, students are introduced to the six main religions as well as the links between religion and ethical issues. Debates relating to Animals and the Rich and Poor People of the UK. This is designed to prepare students for Y8 when a deeper examination of religious and ethical perspectives in relation to Prejudice, Suffering and the Planet takes place.
Schedule of Learning Y7
Year 7 students have 1 hour of RE & Ethics lessons per week.
- Module 1 and 2: What beliefs shape the six main religious communities?
- Module 3 and 4: How do Humans use animals?
- Module 5 and 6: Is it possible to close the gap between rich and poor?
Year 7 Assessment
Students will be assessed regularly using short quizzes, homework and end of unit assessments. Students will be assessed based on the following criteria throughout the year:
- Use vocabulary in context
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, using descriptions, explanations and examples.
- Explain the choice of the research question
- Follow an action plan to explore a research question
- Collect and record relevant information consistent with the research question
- Reflect on the process and results of the investigation
- I communicated information and ideas in a way that is completely clear
- Completely organized information and ideas effectively list sources of information in a way that follows the task instructions.
- Identify the main points of ideas, events, visual representation or arguments
- Use information to justify an opinion
- Identify and analyse a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose
- Identify different views and their implications
Year 7 Resources
Students will have individual Google Classrooms, where homework may be set. It will be important that students are regularly checking these for updates from their teacher.
The Humanities Department has created a website to support student learning in Ethics. Here you will find resources and instructions on how to complete work if you are working from home but you must be signed into your school google account on your web browser.