Additional Personal Development

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Unity: Our LGBTQ+ Community Group

Every year, the academy community comes together to celebrate Pride Week. In tutor times that week, students learn about the origins of the LGBT+ civil rights movement in the black civil rights movement and the Equality Act that protects everyone’s rights to celebrate their difference and be protected from discrimination.

There are a growing number of students in Years 7 to 11 who have attended Unity, the academy’s LGBT+ student group, or engaged with the group via its Google Classroom. 

The group is led by Mr Burton and they explore topics generated by the group in lively discussions and activities every week, often making presentations themselves. Their confidence and self-belief has grown hugely as the year has gone by and they proudly identify as members of the LGBT+ community. 

A small group of students are pictured stood alongside a member of staff in a hallway area of the academy building.

Cultural Diversity Society: Our Cultural Diversity Group

Our Cultural Diversity Group is a celebration of ethnic and cultural diversity across a range of countries and continents. Students come together on a Thursday afternoon with Mr Lecky to share their cultural backgrounds and celebrate their similarities and differences. Last year they helped the Seacole College Founders Day by putting on a fashion show. They are currently planning their cultural experience week as a whole academy event to recognise the variety of backgrounds our students come from.

A group of Leigh Academy students are pictured standing alongside adults whilst dressed up in African and Asian traditional clothing.
Unifrog logo

Unifrog, careers and work experience

Unifrog is our one stop shop for destinations and careers. All students within the academy have an account and have training when they first use the programme in an assembly. Activities are put into the tutor time programme and opportunities to discuss careers are also mapped into the curriculum planning. (Careers Guidance)

A male Leigh Academy student can be seen smiling for the camera, whilst in the driver's seat of a construction vehicle.

Work Experience

Students in Year 10 and Year 12 have work experience which they organise via our work experience co-ordinator. There is a comprehensive support programme and review process for the placement.

National & International Co-Curricular Opportunities 2022/23

Clubs and Groups

The is a vast array of extra curricular clubs and opportunities for students to enhance their learning and learn new skills to support them in their futures.

So far this academic year we have had the following attendance to extra curricular clubs:

See below for the clubs on offer at Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy.

Year 7 Clubs


Maths Challenge Club
Science Club
Boys’ Football Club
Computing Club
Creative Writing Club


Football Team Practice
Girls’ Football Club
Dance Club
Drama Club
Diversity Society
Maths Catch Up Club


No clubs due to staff training


Music Club


Unity Club


Maths Challenge Club
Science Club
Boys’ Football Club
Creative Writing Club


Football Team Practice
Girls’ Football Club
Music (DJ Practice)
Dance Club
Drama Club
Computing Club
Diversity Society
Maths Catch Up Club


No clubs due to staff training


Music Club


Unity Club


Maths Challenge Club
Science Club
Boys’ Football Club
Creative Writing Club


Football Team Practice
Girls’ Football Club
Gym Club
Dance Club
Drama Club
Computing Club
Diversity Society


Duke of Edinburgh


Music Club
Gym Club
Debate Club


Unity Club
Marketing/Business Club


Maths Challenge Club
Science Club
Boys’ Football Club
Gym Club
BTEC Drop In


Football Team Practice
Girls’ Football Club
Gym Club
Dance Club
Drama Club
Computing Club
Diversity Society


Duke of Edinburgh


Music Club
Gym Club
Debate Club


Unity Club
Marketing/Business Club

Engineering, DIT and Health and Social Care can use extra sessions over the next 3 weeks as they have exams in the week of Monday 30th January.

Week 1

Week starting: 16/1/23, 30/1/23, 20/2/23, 6/3/23 and 20/3/23


Curie and Mandela


Shakespeare and Seacole

Maths Higher

Maths Foundation

Maths Higher or Foundation 

SE 2.05

SE 2.01

SH 2.01


CU 2.03

Computer Science

Combined Science 
Ground floor Curie – separate sessions for all 3 sciences, split into Higher and Foundation groups

French (Year 12)

The Arts (Drama, Fine Art, Graphics, Photography)
Subject rooms



Business Studies 

Health and Social Care

DT (all options)
SH 0.04

AT 1.05


Separate science
MD 0.07, CU 0.04 and CU 0.05

Separate science
MD 0.07, CU 0.04 and CU 0.05

Week 2

Week starting: 23/1/23, 6/2/23, 27/2/23,13/3/23 and 27/3/23


Curie and Mandela


Shakespeare and Seacole

SE 205

SE 202

Maths Higher

Maths Foundation

Maths Higher or Foundation 


CU 2.03 

Computer Science

SH 2.01

Combined Science
Ground floor Curie – separate sessions for all  3 sciences, split into Higher and Foundation groups

The Arts (Drama, Fine Art, Graphics, Photography)
Subject rooms




Business Studies 

Health and Social Care

DT (all options)
SH 0.04

AT 1.05


Separate science
MD 0.07, CU 0.04 and CU 0.05

Separate science
MD 0.07, CU 0.04 and CU 0.05


A large group of Leigh Academy students can be seen sat on chairs in the main hall area, listening to a speaker on the stage at the front of the room.

Fire Safety Talk


Year 7 students had a fire safety talk from Kent Fire Brigade in which they were taught about arson, the dangers of not checking fire alarms, basic first aid and how to report a fire.

Photo showing two men performing traditional Asian music in an open atrium area of The Leigh Academy building. Students are seen listening from the surrounding balconies.



Our annual Diwali celebration saw priests from the local temple in Gravesend come into school to play music in the College Wintergardens.

Several students are seen posing for the camera, alongside a member of staff at an assembly supporting Dartford Food Bank.

Year 8 Food Bank

Community & Responsibility

As part of their service learning, Year 8 students raised awareness of the Dartford Food Bank and collected lots of goods which they donated to the organisation in an assembly.

Photo of a large bookshelf filled with many different books.



Our Literacy Programme encourages students to read for pleasure through incentivised literacy points as well as literacy challenges for both KS3 and KS4.

A large group of students are seen posing for a photo together outdoors, wearing backpacks and outdoor clothing.

Duke of Edinburgh Award


Students from SGLA have the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme when they reach Year 9.

Three staff members are pictured standing beside the academy's minibus smiling. The lady in the centre is holding two bags full of items.

Ukraine Appeal

Community & Responsibility

Staff and students from SGLA got together to collect much needed supplies for the victims of war in Ukraine. Resources were taken to a collection point in Folkestone before being taken by lorry to Ukraine.

A large crowd of both students and staff are seen sat on chairs and tables outdoors on the academy grounds. A bright blue sky is seen above them.

Queen’s Jubilee


Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy did a celebration day of old school sports day events and a giant tea party to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Students are seen sat down together in the main hall to watch a performance on the stage.

MFL Theatre Performance

International Mindedness

As part of our drive to instil international mindedness at SGLA we invite theatre groups in for performances in French and Spanish to give a wide cultural experience to our students.

Students are pictured sitting down on chairs in the main hall, listening to a speaker at the front of the room.

Criminal Exploitation Workshops

Criminal Exploitation

Our partnership with ‘Refocus’ has welcomed in Lennox Rogers and his team to work with students that might be more susceptible to gang involvement.

Students and staff at The Leigh Academy are photographed paying their respects during a one minute's silence in an open atrium area on Remembrance Day 2023.



One of the highlights of the academy year is our moving Remembrance Day service which brings together not only our entire academy community but also representatives of the Royal British Legion, Milestone Academy and Dartford Primary Academy.

Leigh Academy students are pictured outside Darent Valley Hospital in Dartford, carrying boxes full of donations to give to NHS frontline workers during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

NHS Care Packages

Community & Responsibility

During Covid, Year 9 students were challenged to create care package boxes for nurses and doctors at Darent Valley Hospital. They organised 28 boxes to be made up and be delivered to the hospital, one for each ward.

A photo showing Leigh Academy students gathered in the main hall of the academy building, listening to a speaker delivering a presentation to them.

E-Safety Roadshow


The E-Safety Roadshow teaches students about the dangers of sexting, the four Cs of e-safety and how to behave in a sensible manner online.

International School Award Certificate for The Leigh Academy for achieving Intermediate Level.

International School Award

International Mindedness

Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy has achieved International School status at an intermediate level. With trips abroad to France, Spain, Poland, Italy, USA and China in recent years, students have a fantastic opportunity to both learn a foreign language but also see it in action. The pen pal scheme with French and Spanish is also a great opportunity for students to practise their skills.

A large group of Leigh Academy students are pictured seated in the main hall, listening to a speaker at the front of the room.

Student Voice

Community & Responsibility

Student Voice is our student council with representatives from each tutor group across all colleges and key stages. A special visitor came to see them and our global politics students when local MP Gareth Johnson came to SGLA for the afternoon. Students got a chance to ask him their burning questions about politics and things affecting the local area.

Photo showing a class of students interacting with a male member of staff conducting a lesson in a classroom.

Debate Club

Life Skills

Debate Club meets every Thursday and is open to all year groups to learn the art of researching and debate. Topics are suggested and then students are given time to prepare their case for or against the motion.