
Students wear our uniform with pride. It is smart but practical and reflects all of our aspirations for our academy. 

  • To prevent uniform getting lost, please make sure that each item is named using an iron-on, stick-on or sewn-in label, or by using a permanent naming pen.
  • Students are expected to be of smart and sensible appearance.  Individual fashion statements such as extreme hair styles or colours, designer shirts, trainers and decorated footwear are not permitted. Tram lines or other shaved shapes in the hair and ‘barcodes’ in eyebrows are not permitted.  Extreme hairstyles are not allowed, this includes mohican haircuts. Tinted or cosmetic contact lenses and decorative dental wear are not permitted. 
  • No bandanas, durags, hoods, caps or hats should be worn at any time and will be confiscated if worn in the academy. Small, neutral coloured hair bands are allowed. Headscarves worn for religious or cultural reasons should be plain black or navy with no studs, sequins or other decoration. No false eyelashes are allowed.
  • Students are permitted to wear one pair of small stud earrings (one in each lobe) and a watch, which can be handed to a teacher during PE. Tongue, Eye and Nose studs or rings are not permitted. The Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy is not responsible for the loss of any jewellery.  Necklaces and bracelets are not permitted; however, an exception may be made for religious chains provided they are discreetly worn under the shirt and should be agreed with your child’s college. Rings and false nails (eg coloured acrylic/gel/or others) are not permitted. Clear nail polish is allowed. The Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy is not responsible for the loss of any jewellery.  
  • Students must have a bag that is capable of holding an A4 folder, PE kit and a Chromebook.

If families would benefit from financial assistance we do have some funding available for uniforms so please do contact your child’s college team if required.

Failure to follow the academy uniform expectations may result in your child working in their college area or in the reflection room until the appropriate adjustments have been made.

By requiring students to wear the academy uniform, it is intended to develop their sense of loyalty to the community of which they are members, and to encourage them to take pride in their appearance.  Students are expected to wear full academy uniform on the way to and from the academy.

If students are not in full uniform, they will not be able to attend lessons.  They will work in their College area, until the correct uniform is brought to them or they will be sent home to change, with parental permission.  If a student persistently fails to wear uniform, the normal academy procedure for student support should be followed (see academy behaviour policy).

Large amounts of money and expensive personal effects should not be brought to the academy.  The academy  will not accept liability for any claim arising from theft, accidental loss or damage to personal effects, money, belongings or clothing whilst on the academy premises.

  • Navy Blue Blazer – With the Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy badge on breast pocket (Compulsory)
  • Navy Blue Pleated Skirt – Minimum skirt length = knee length, Maximum skirt length = calf length, Black Lycra Tights Or black socks (Compulsory)
  • Plain Black Tailored Trousers – With black socks, Flares, bootleggers, hipsters or lycra are not part of the Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy uniform (Compulsory)
  • White Shirt OR White Blouse – Shirt with with College Tie (Compulsory) or Blouse with College logo (Optional)
  • Plain Flat BLACK leather/leather effect shoes only – Maximum height = 3 cms (1 inch), No shoe may be above the ankle bone, Trainers are only permitted for PE lessons, No canvas shoes (Compulsory)
  • Navy Blue ‘V’ Neck Sweater – Should be plain with no commercial, Logos/ College logo jumpers are available (Optional)
  • Overcoats/Jackets – Should be plain black/navy blue with no writing or commercial logos on them, Denim and leather coats are not part of our academy uniform (Optional)
  • Navy Blue Blazer – With the Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy badge on breast pocket (Compulsory)
  • Black Plain Tailored Trousers (worn at the waist) – Jean type trousers are not part of the Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy uniform (Compulsory)
  • White Shirt –  Long or short sleeves (Compulsory)
  • College Tie (Compulsory)
  • Plain Socks – White or black (Compulsory)
  • Plain Flat BLACK leather/leather effect shoes only – No shoe may be above the ankle bone, No canvas shoes, Trainers are only permitted for PE lessons (Compulsory)
  • Navy Blue ‘V’ Neck Sweater – Should be plain with no commercial, Logos/ College logo jumpers are available (Optional)
  • Overcoats/Jackets – Should be plain black/navy blue with no writing or commercial logos on them, Denim and leather coats are not part of our academy uniform (Optional)
  • Polo Shirt – Black and White with College badge
  • Training Top/Fleece – Black and White with College badge
  • Shorts – Black
  • Skirts (optional) – Black
  • Jogging Bottoms – Black
  • Trainers (Indoor) – With non-marking soles

Winter/ Cold Weather Sports Uniform (no need to purchase until winter)

  • Football/Rugby Socks – Black
  • Football Boots (Outdoor) – Must have safety studs – for rugby and football
  • Shin Guards – For football
  • Gum Shield – For certain sports – compulsory for rugby

Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy works in close partnership with the local community, business and industry and as Post-16 students are required to be role-models to younger students, Post-16 students must observe the dress code at all times on site, as part of PARADE Standards.

Appropriate Choices

  • Suit (tailored jacket with tailored trousers, tailored knee-length skirt or tailored knee-length dress) 
  • Tailored trousers
  • Tailored skirt
  • Tailored dress 
  • Collared formal shirt and tie (this is compulsory for students who identify as male)
  • Tailored blouses and tops that cover the majority of the shoulder (this is compulsory for students who identify as female, unless they are wearing a tailored dress)
  • Leather formal shoes
  • V-necked jumper, so that the tie is clearly visible, with no zip or fastening system
  • Natural coloured hair
  • Headscarves worn for religious or cultural reasons should be plain black or navy with no studs, sequins or other decoration.

Inappropriate Choices

  • Denim garments
  • Clothing with studded/riveted pockets
  • Leather and leather-look garments
  • Open-toed shoes (including sandals and flip-flops)
  • Trainers (unless wearing them in a Performing Arts Acting or practical Sport lesson)
  • Off the shoulder, halter neck and thin-strapped tops
  • Hoodies
  • Skirt/dress hemlines that are higher than the halfway point between the hip bone and the knee
  • Exposed midriffs  
  • Bodycon garments 
  • Leggings 
  • Shorts
  • Over-the-knee socks
  • Unnatural coloured hair

BTEC Sport Students

In practical lessons, hair should be tied back and no jewellery should be worn. Students must wear sportswear, which should comprise of:

  • Trainers
  • Tracksuit bottoms 
  • A plain T-shirt 
  • Either a plain sweatshirt or a plain tracksuit jacket

BTEC Performing Arts Acting Students

In all lessons, hair should be tied back and no jewelry should be worn. Students must wear the accepted industry-standard rehearsal ‘uniform’, which should comprise of:

  • Loose black top 
  • Loose black trousers (so they can move easily) 
  • Soft black shoes (eg jazz shoes or trainers)

Please note: Students who must wear different clothing (such as sportswear or blacks) for a subject-specific reason are asked to bring a change of clothing in for that purpose. When outside that lesson, normal business dress must be worn, including at arrival to and departure from the academy. 

If any member of staff feels that an element of a student’s appearance is inappropriate, we reserve the right to address the matter. For a first infringement, a warning will be issued, with a clear reminder of Dress Code. Upon a repeat infringement, we will send a student home to amend their appearance, preceded by a phone call home from a member of the Attenborough College Team.

All students must wear their Identity Card/Attenborough College lanyard. This card must be visible around the neck at all times. This is a legal requirement, not an academy rule.


Academy uniform is available from the following outlets:

  • Brigade
Brigade Clothing UK Manufacturer & Suppliers of Quality School Uniforms & Schoolwear

Some second hand uniforms items may be available for sale. For further information, please contact the academy directly.