Our students learn because they want to learn and we expect them to work hard. The most important thing to us is learning – any student whose behaviour gets in the way of learning will face sanctions.
In a large Academy, it is necessary for all students, parents and staff to share an understanding that all students will:
- Work hard to achieve their full academic potential
- Respect learning, their own and others
- Respond to the many opportunities present both in and beyond the classroom
- Respect fellow students and staff
- Respect Academy property
- Attend regularly, except when ill
- Complete homework and coursework to set deadlines
- Comply with instructions from all staff
- When at fault, accept correction without argument
- Wear uniform as intended
- Seek to achieve their personal best
- We take our responsibilities seriously and we expect parents to take their responsibilities seriously too.
Parents must:
- Support our code of behaviour
- Ensure sure that their children attend
- Send their children to school dressed in correct Academy uniform and properly equipped for learning
- Ensure that their children complete their homework
- Check and sign their children’s planner (supplied by the Academy) regularly, as this is an important way for us to communicate