Entry Requirements

  • 5+ GCSEs at 9-4
  • Grade 4 in mathematics
  • Grade 4 in English (language or literature)


Adam Hart
Coordinator of Learning – Business


Course Outline

Students on the IB Diploma in Business Management learn the key characteristics of business organisation and environment. We focus on the functions of human resources, finance, marketing and operations. The IB course allows students to develop a holistic understanding of today’s complex and dynamic business environment. Students learn to analyse, discuss and evaluate business activities at local, national and international level, exploring, through case study and student investigation, a range of organisations, as well as the socio-cultural and economic contexts in which they operate. Over two years, students develop relevant and transferable skills, including the ability to: think critically; make ethically sound and well-informed decisions; appreciate the pace, nature and significance of change; think strategically; and undertake long term planning, analysis and evaluation.

Course Assessment

  • Paper 1: Units 1-5
    2 hours 15 mins
    Written essays to pre-seen case study
  • Paper 2: Units 1-5
    2 hours 15 mins
    Written responses to exam questions

Internal Assessment (25%)

  • 2000 word report on research that students undertake to answer a problem faced by a local business