16-19 Bursary and Tuition Fund (Spring Update)

Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy has been awarded a sum of money by the ESFA to deliver small group catch up tuition to students in Post-16 whose education was disrupted by the pandemic in the 2019-20 academic year. Tuition will be ongoing once conditions allow and will target catch up work across subjects in which eligible students have fallen behind during the 2020-21 academic year. Qualifying students will be selected on the basis of their GCSE English and Maths attainment by the end of Year 11, as well as their level of disadvantage and their SEND status. Eligible students will be identified and contacted after analysis of the progress data we gather in Module 4. Tuition will be delivered by subject specialists in school or via the purchase of online materials and e-support or through outside providers but the specific nature of the tuition programme will be designed in a bespoke fashion for each student, depending on their personal needs, once the selection has taken place.

Bursary Fund Policy 2020-21