Social and Cultural Anthropology includes a study of: Nine Key Concepts, such as Beliefs and Knowledge, which may include religious and/or scientific beliefs; Power, Society and Culture. In addition a variety of methods used in ethnographic research are explored as are anthropological theories that will enable students to analyse and discuss ethnographic materials. This subject suits students who are keen readers and who have a genuine interest in the way that different people live. Students are required to sit two examination papers, one containing unseen materials. In addition, they will also produce an ethnographic study of their own. This fieldwork project involves a presentation, the collection of research data and a final report
Students tend to acquire knowledge, understanding and the ability to analyse and evaluate through a combination of teacher led note taking, research from required reading material, websites, film and open discussion. Professional anthropologists and other organisations such as Médecins sans frontières have been invited in to support students’ learning.
Students are assessed regularly, mainly through knowledge retrieval quizzes and exam-style questions. Mock examinations are sat during Module 6 of Y12 and Module 2 of Y13.
Students will:
- Know the concepts and theories, research methods and substantive knowledge of ethnographic materials.
- Apply and Analyse ethnographical knowledge to formulate arguments, answer ‘big’ questions and engage in an internal assessment.
- Synthesise and evaluate with comparisons and contrasts through conceptual frameworks and theories.
- Formulate questions
Schedule of Learning
- Module 1 & 2: Belonging
- Module 3: Belonging
- Module 4 & 5: Fieldwork & The Body
- Module 6: The Body & Revision
Exam Board Information
Students are assessed regularly, mainly through knowledge retrieval quizzes and exam style questions. Mock examinations are sat during Module 6 of Y12 and Module 2 of Y13.
Students will have access to Google Classrooms, where materials and homework may be set. It will be important that students are regularly checking these for updates. Students are also provided with revision materials in Y13.