Pupil Premium Statement 2023-24

View the Pupil Premium Statement 2023-24 as a pdf

This statement details the academy’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for 2023 to 2024 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils. 

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school. 

The total budgeted cost is £343,200

School overview

School name

The Leigh Academy

Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

September 2023

Date on which it will be reviewed

August 2024

Statement authorised by

Julia Collins

Pupil premium lead

Kevin Brewer

Governor / Trustee lead

Scott Wilkinson

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year
If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Student Profile 2023-24

Year Group

Number of disadvantaged students

Total number of students


Year 7




Year 8




Year 9




Year 10




Year 11




Whole school (less post 16)




part a: pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The Leigh Academy is committed to providing effective support for  all disadvantaged students to improve their academic, personal and careers outcomes. As an academy, we believe that all our students have a right to achieve their full potential, irrespective of their socio-economic status. Students in receipt of Pupil Premium should achieve outcomes in line with, or exceeding those of their non-Pupil Premium peers both locally and nationally, so as to be afforded the same life chances in future education, training or employment.   

The most effective and proven way to use Pupil Premium funding is to ensure that all students experience high-quality and inclusive lessons on a daily basis, delivered by trained, highly competent and well supported staff. We believe that high expectations of all students means high expectations of all disadvantaged students also. Therefore, our academic and co-curriculum is rigorous and accessible for all, thus allowing all students to build cultural capital and contextualise their learning in a manner that best develops and prepares them for their future careers. 

The Pupil Premium Plan 2022-23 invested in resources that support our disadvantaged students within the areas of greatest need and effect. Having reviewed previous Pupil Premium Plans and spending alongside research from the Education Endowment Fund and examples of best practice from Achievement for All, we will invest funding in these key areas:

In summary:

  • Disadvantaged students will receive highly effective teaching in all lessons.
  • We focus the majority of our efforts into developing classroom practice – improved instruction is proven to raise student outcomes.
  • We firmly believe that all students are able to achieve. We believe that all students have valuable contributions to be made in all learning areas.
  • Teachers, Coordinators and Directors of Learning are accountable for the outcomes achieved by our disadvantaged students.


Whilst there is no specific profile of a student in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, research suggests that such students are more likely to experience the following when compared to their non-Pupil Premium peers:

  • difficulty attending school / maintaining high attendance
  • unsupportive parents or carers in terms of education/school culture
  • parents/carers that have reduced or unrealistic expectations
  • parents/carers that are uncertain as to how best support their child(ren)
  • reduced cultural capital
  • low aspirations/self-worth / self-confidence
  • low levels of literacy/numeracy/oracy
  • difficulty working independently and managing personal deadlines
  • a lack of basic equipment to fully access and engage with learning
  • a warped view of the local community and their role within the community

This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Low prior attainment in English and maths demonstrate poor literacy and numeracy skills within Key Stage 3.


Disadvantaged students making less progress than non-disadvantaged students nationally.

Leigh High Attaining Pupils (HAPs) on entry who are eligible for PPG are making less progress than HAPs who are non-disadvantaged.


A higher proportion of Pupil Premium students experience social, emotional and mental health issues which affect behaviour and attendance and can therefore have a detrimental impact on progress.


Lack of parent/carer support with learning at home and a lack of engagement by parents of students who are most vulnerable to underachievement.


Below expected chronological reading ages across Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.


Students attend school without appropriate uniform and equipment to access and engage with learning.

Intended outcomes

Information is also provided in the next section on how the Pupil Premium Grant will be spent in 2023 – 24 to further support our disadvantaged students in all key stages. 

This will be achieved through 

  • Whole Academy strategies that benefit all students.
  • Targeted strategies for underperforming students which benefit disadvantaged and other underperforming students.
  • Personalised strategies for students eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant which specifically benefits disadvantaged students.

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategic plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended Outcome

Success Criteria

Improved Literacy, numeracy, and reading skills for students eligible for Pupil Premium in all years, with a particular focus on students in Years 7, 8, and 9.

Pupil Premium students in Years 7, 8 and 9 make rapid progress by the end of the year, so that all Pupil Premium students show a minimum 20% increase in reading age, and make good progress in the LAT KS3 maths MYP assessments and achieve progress in line with non-Pupil Premium peers.

Improved rate of progress for disadvantaged students and for HAPs who are eligible for Pupil Premium.

Disadvantaged and HAPs who are eligible for Pupil Premium have a positive Progress 8 score in KS4 outcomes.

Students in receipt of Pupil Premium achieve and maintain attendance of 95%.

All students in receipt of Pupil Premium shall have an overall attendance of 95% or higher by the end of this academic year.

To continue to strengthen partnerships between the academy and home

Increased parent/carer attendance at key events and increased involvement in blended learning as evidenced in parental surveys.

Students in receipt of Pupil Premium to make progress in developing their reading age to expected chronological age.

All students in receipt of Pupil Premium shall be assessed as making progress towards their chronological age. This will enable them to access the curriculum and engage in all learning and assessment activities.

Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £83,421


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Literacy & Numeracy Development

The impact of collaborative learning has a consistently positive impact in all core subjects, especially in Literacy, Mathematics, and Science. These approaches also benefit those students with low prior attainment.

Accelerated Reader and Numeracy  programmes, Lexia, Rosetta Stone.

Maths Mastery

Reciprocal Reading in Tutor Time

Professional Development for tutors to develop reading techniques

Literacy Coordinator role

Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools 

Collaborative Learning Approaches | Education Endowment Foundation

Education Endowment Foundation- Maths Mastery

1, 2 & 5


The impact of effective feedback is well-evidence to have a highly positive impact on learning at all stages. Effective feedback has high impact across all subject areas and for all students although low attaining pupils tend to benefit from more explicit feedback strategies than high attainers. Effective feedback supports parents and carers in supporting their child(ren) as learners.

Feedback | Education Endowment Foundation

1, 2 & 5


Homework has a positive impact particularly in secondary settings, especially when linked with classroom activities. The benefits can also be seen when coupled with feedback (see above). This includes opportunities to complete homework assignments after traditional school hours.

Homework | Education Endowment Foundation

1, 2, 4, 5 & 6

Mastery learning

Whilst sometimes challenging to implement, a combination of direct instruction and collaborative learning approaches (see above) is an effective strategy for our students. Ensuring all students have mastered 80% of curriculum content means that students do not progress with gaps or misconceptions.

Mastery Learning | Education Endowment Foundation

1 & 2

Employment of key personnel to support student wellbeing

Employment of Inclusion Behaviour Manager

Trust Attendance and Welfare Officer 

Educational Psychologists

3 & 4

Whole Academy Professional Development (PD)

PD of staff to develop strategies to support, stretch and challenge disadvantaged and HAP students.

Effective Professional Development | Education Endowment Foundation

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £138,364


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

One to One Tuition

Intensive individual support is very effective at improving student outcomes, particularly for students with low prior attainment or for those struggling in particular subject areas. In some cases, small group interventions are as effective when students in attendance share a similar need requirement.

Education Endowment  Foundation- One to One Tuition

1, 2, 4, 5 & 6

Reading comprehension strategies

Reading comprehension strategies have a high impact when taught explicitly and consistently. These can be combined with collaborative learning strategies (see above) as well as digital learning strategies for maximum impact. Being able to read and understand text empowers all students but has the most impact for lower attaining pupils.

Reading Comprehension Strategies | Education Endowment Foundation

1, 2, 5 & 6

Leadership of strategies to increase progress of disadvantaged students

Strategic planning and leadership of all strategies implemented to support disadvantaged students narrow the achievement gap – a member of senior staff (AGO)  given responsibility, time and allowance to ensure strategies are targeted and effective. 

Education Endowment Foundation- Using Your Pupil Premium Effectively

1, 2, 5 & 6

Bespoke targeted student academic and emotional support

Mentoring has maintained a positive impact for our students from disadvantaged backgrounds – particularly for non-academic outcomes such as attitudes to school, attendance and behaviour. Our mentoring aims to build confidence and resilience as well as raising aspirations.

Education Endowment Foundation- Mentoring

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

Targeted subject intervention

Dedicated interventions and support sessions in underperforming subjects. 

Education Endowment Foundation- Targeted Academic Support

1, 2, 4, 5 & 6

SEN interventions

Effective deployment of Teaching Assistants has a largely positive impact on students when used in conjunction with high-quality teaching strategies. Evidence suggests that students with Special Educational Needs in receipt of Pupil Premium with access to Teaching Assistant support report improved attitudes to education.

Education Endowment Foundation – Teaching Assistant Support

Education Endowment Foundation – Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

Education Endowment Foundation – Social and Emotional Learning

2 & 5

Bespoke pastoral interventions

Student Service Manager Interventions and support.

Education Endowment Foundation- Improving Behaviour in Schools


External support

1, 2, 5 & 6

Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £121,415


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Academy Inclusion Team

Every student should have a supportive relationship with a member of school staff. Understanding a pupil’s context will inform effective responses so as to tailor targeted approaches to meet the individual needs of our students. Parents and carers will develop positive relationships with staff whose responsibility it is to actively support their child(ren).

Improving Behaviour in Schools | Education Endowment Foundation

How Can Schools Support Parents’ Engagement in their Children’s Learning? Evidence from Research and Practice | Education Endowment Foundation

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

Emotional Literacy Support Assistants

Students require support to self-regulate  and to build their social and emotional resilience. Students benefit from carefully guided practice to develop independent practice, with support gradually withdrawn as the student becomes proficient. Social-emotional learning focuses on the ways in which students work with (and alongside) their peers, teachers, family, or community to develop a positive ethos that supports greater engagement in learning.

Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning Guidance Report | Education Endowment Foundation

Social and Emotional Learning SEL | Education Endowment Foundation

2 & 3

Uniform and Equipment

School uniform policies are thought to complement the development and support of a whole school culture. identity and approach, which in turn may assist pupil discipline and motivation. It is recognised that this can be a significant cost for students from deprived backgrounds and so monies are used to subsidise and fund uniform items as necessary.

Research has found that disadvantaged pupils and their families have been worse affected by the impact of the pandemic. We expect all students to be equipped so that they can fully engage in all learning activities – this means we have prioritised funds to support those students who are unable to purchase school supplies and equipment.

School Uniform | Education Endowment Foundation

Using Your Pupil Premium Funding Effectively | Education Endowment Foundation


Student support

Breakfast Club and refreshments during the examination season.

Education Endowment Foundation- Using Your Pupil Premium Effectively

3, 4 & 6

Destinations support

Raising aspirations through virtual careers conventions and university visits (or face-to-face experiences, Covid-19 permitting)

Education Endowment Foundation- Careers Education

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

Enrichment Support

Cultural and enriching experiences, educational visits and extracurricular activities.

The average impact of engagement with physical activities on academic progress is only slightly positive, but the wider benefits related to health and wellbeing are directly linked to improved attendance and retention. 

Education Endowment Foundation- Life Skills and Enrichment

Education Endowment Foundation- Physical Activity

Education Endowment Foundation- Arts Participation

2, 3, 4 & 6

Alternative pathway opportunities

Alternative Curriculum Provision and Respite Placements 

Education Endowment Foundation- Using Your Pupil Premium Effectively


Student Support & Inclusion

Assistance with uniform and PE Kit items purchased & provided for some students to ensure that they can attend in the correct uniform.

Education Endowment Foundation- Using Your Pupil Premium Effectively

Education Endowment Foundation- School Uniform

3 & 6

Partnerships to support student engagement

Increase communication with parents/carers of disadvantaged students, phone calls to invite to events, and follow-up calls, messages and emails.

Additional virtual coffee mornings and support for parents of disadvantaged and SEN students.

3, 4 & 6

Behaviour Interventions

Approaches that focus on self-management are associated with greater impact. The Department of Education reports that students in receipt of Free School Meals are more likely to receive a permanent or fixed period exclusion for persistent disruptive behaviour. Students require specialist support to help manage their self-regulation or social and emotional skills.

Behaviour Interventions | Education Endowment Foundation

3 & 4

Student support & inclusion

Provide assistance with basic equipment packs and calculators for disadvantaged students.


part b: review of outcomes in the previous academic year

pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2022 – 2023 academic year. 


The Pupil Premium is allocated to local authorities and schools for students registered on roll in January who are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years. The funding is used to support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable students – this sum is in addition to the underlying school’s budget

These documents show the impact of PP funding spent in 2022 – 23. It is worthy of note that there are 17 subjects at GCSE where disadvantaged students either achieved as well as or better than ‘other’ students. This is particularly commendable as there were some significantly challenging pupil premium students in this cohort exhibiting high-level physical, emotional and mental health needs.

We know that the barriers to learning faced by disadvantaged students at The Leigh Academy often go beyond our academy gates. In addition to the barriers to learning, we see in the academy like lower levels of aspiration and lower literacy levels they could also include unstable or chaotic home lives, low levels of family income, low attendance, negative peer group influences and low levels of parental education and engagement. The barriers to learning faced by our disadvantaged cohort can be categorised in 3 ways:

  • Attendance – attendance of disadvantaged students is typically lower than non-disadvantaged attendance at The Leigh Academy. Disadvantaged students are less likely to be resilient in their attendance at school and as a result, miss out on valuable teaching time and opportunities. 
  • Low Aspiration – Disadvantaged students typically have lower aspirations with regard to Post 16 and further education and have lower expectations and sense of achievement compared to their non-disadvantaged peers. 
  • Academic – Disadvantaged students form a significant number of those requiring catch-up Literacy and Numeracy support at The Leigh Academy on their arrival in Year 7. Literacy skills and range of vocabulary affects disadvantaged students’ ability to access a wide range of subject areas.

Impact of Pupil Premium, SEND, and Catch Up Funding 2022 – 23

Key Stage 4

In 2023, the gap in achievement between our disadvantaged and ‘others’ across all of the key measures has narrowed. We had 67 Pupil Premium students in this cohort. 20 of those 67 students had serious issues affecting their academic performance despite the high-profile attention and support given to these students and their families.

The table below reflects the disadvantaged student outcomes for 2022 – 23. When compared to the 2019 data, the overall proportion of disadvantaged students achieving GCSE grades of 9-4 including English and maths is 51.5% compared to 71.4% for  ‘others’. This is higher than our 2019 figure of 42%. 66.2% of our disadvantaged students achieved 9-4 in English, which is  higher than the 2019 figure of 61%. In maths, 52.9% of our disadvantaged cohort, achieved a grade of 9-4, which is higher than the 46% achieved in 2019. Our challenge is to now maintain these results with the 2024 cohort, but also to continue to narrow the gap for students achieving either maths or English at grades 9-4, but not the other. This continues to be an important area of focus for the academy this year. In summary, the gap has narrowed, slightly.


Disadvantaged students
(2019 results in brackets)

Non-disadvantaged students
(2019 results in brackets)

% 9-4 English and Maths

51% (42%)

71.4% (70%)

% 9-4 English

66.2% (61%)

86.3% (86%)

% 9-4 Maths

52.9% (46%)

72% (73%)

% 9-4 EBacc

5.9% (10%)

10.7% (19%)

We are really pleased to note, that In Year 11 our disadvantaged students have outperformed or equalled the performance of ‘others’ in several GCSE / BTEC subjects:


Disadvantaged outperform ‘others’

No difference in outcomes

Less than 10% difference between ‘others’ and disadvantaged outcomes


Disadvantaged students 9-4  / Merit+ (%)

Non-disadvantaged students 9-4 / Merit+ (%)

Gap (%)









Engineering – Voc








ICT- Voc








Catering – Voc




Computer Science
















English Language




Health & Fitness – Voc




English Literature




Performing Arts – Voc








Table 2 – This table shows that disadvantaged students either did better than or were broadly in line with ‘others’ in 17 subjects (they are within 10% difference).

The following subjects had a wider gap in outcomes (a gap larger than 10%),  and are a priority for improvement this year: media studies, health & social care, product design, food and nutrition, photography, geography, physics, chemistry, combined science and graphic communication.

The strategies and tracking put in place for the academic year have resulted in Year 13 having  a big improvement in outcomes across their academic and vocational subjects. In Year 13 we had 15 students who met the disadvantaged criteria. 

Based on our 2023 outcomes, our disadvantaged students are in line with the rest of the cohort, with an APS of 27.5  and a grade C- at A Level, compared to an overall cohort APS of 28.9. The overall academic APS for our disadvantaged students is 28.4, with a grade C which is in line with the whole cohort (29.4). For applied general, our disadvantaged students achieved an APS of 26.8 (Merit+), compared to the whole cohort’s APS of 30.4 (Distinction -). There is work to be done to support our disadvantaged Post 16 students with the completion of vocational course. It is very pleasing to note, that our KS5 results overall far outperform our 2019 cohort. 

Table 3: Historical KS5 performance for disadvantaged students


National Average (2019)




Number of students





APS per entry Academic





APS per entry Applied General





Attainment Academic





Attainment Applied General





Key Stage 3

The average prior attainment of our current Year 9 and 10 (2020 & 2021), cohorts are much lower than previous years. There are also 3 students in Year 8 with EHCPs,  7 students  in Year 9, and 4 in Year 10. To address these students’ additional needs and to address the gaps with a range of strategies that have been put in place to provide additional support:

  • Targeted maths homework club
  • Targeted small group interventions for Maths (for students with a very low baseline assessment)
  • Online small group literacy and numeracy tuition  
  • Targeted pastoral & wellbeing support for students that struggled as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The data below illustrates the impact on achievement for Leigh Academy students. The Leigh Academy has an average grade in year 7 of 3.3; in year 8, of 3.6, and in year 9, of 3.6 for our disadvantaged students. In 2023, the global MYP average grade at KS3 was 4.7 (however, it should be noted that nearly 60% of the 862 schools from which this data is taken are private or selective institutions). 

Externally provided programmes



1:1 Online Tutoring


Star Reader


Year 10/11 KS4 Science

Tassomai LTD

Mastery: Maths

Ark Curriculum Plus

KS4/KS5 Study Skills

Learning Performance


Sparx Maths

