- Year 7 Catch Up Premium replacement £18,268
- Chromebooks for students £77,340
- Ipad replacement £14,323
- Bespoke strategies and interventions £45,794
This catch-up funding to address the loss of learning experienced by our students during the Covid-19 pandemic. This funding will be used to:
- Provide additional holiday intervention sessions during the October and February half terms
- Provide assistance with basic equipment packs and calculators for disadvantaged students across years 7 to 11
- Provide one to one and small group online tutoring
- Whole day intervention programmes
- Elevate Study Skills workshops
- Mental Health First Aid
- Provide additional numeracy and literacy support to KS3 students through the purchase of packages such as Literacy Planet, My Maths and Numeracy Workout
- To support the Academy investment in Maths Mastery by purchasing Maths Watch
- Funds may also be needed to cover some of the additional ongoing costs related to Covid – eg PPE, rental of marquee