Dear Parents / Carers
Re: Year 11 Update
As we move towards the end of Module 3 the exciting thought of GCSE examinations being very much on the horizon makes this a crucial time for our Year 11 students.. This letter is designed to give you an update on key events and information relating to the next few modules and the countdown to the summer examinations.
Year 11 after school revision
The ongoing after school revision sessions can be seen here: Module 3 Year 11 Revision Schedule. Please encourage your child to attend as these sessions will focus on filling gaps in knowledge identified in the mock exams and developing exam techniques. These sessions run through until the examinations unless otherwise stated.
February half-term revision
We are offering a range of revision sessions over February half-term to help students further prepare for some of their final mock examinations the following week, and for summer examinations starting in Module 5. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE BOOKING FORM FOR FEBRUARY REVISION SESSIONS. Revision class sizes will be capped at 35 and be done on a first come first served basis. The Google Form will close on Friday 7th February and the lists for the revision sessions will be published in the Year 11 Google Classroom on Monday 10th February.
Note – some students have received separate letters for certain sessions as they will focus on specific topics identified as areas for improvement from the mock exams.
A full programme of revision will also be in place during the Easter and May half-term holidays.Further details nearer the time.
Year 11 rewards programme
On Monday 27th January we launched our Striving for Greatness in Learning and Achievement (SGLA) rewards programme specifically for Year 11. Students can receive AEE (Attitude, Effort and Engagement) points in each lesson, for attending revision sessions after school and during school holidays, and for 100% attendance every 3 weeks. The reward table is as follows:

Students will be able to track their progress on a board in the library and we look forward to rewarding students for their increased efforts over the next few modules.
Revision Strategies
Effective revision is vital to examination success. In addition to subject specific revision taking place in lessons, we will also be running the following sessions this module for all students to support and enhance their revision planning and strategies: 1.Revision Strategy Lessons will start to take place during core PE lessons and students will be completing a Post Mock Action Plan in these lessons. The Post Mock Action Plan is designed to ensure that students know what grades they achieved, how much effort they THINK they put in, and what Attitude and Engagement score their teachers actually award them. This activity also leads students to reflect on whether they are using the vast array of support mechanisms that are available to them – online, books, google classrooms, teachers, revision guides, etc…
Core Mock Exams
In order to further prepare for the summer examinations, Year 11 students will do another set of mock examinations at the start of Module 4 in English, maths and science. The dates are specified below:

These examinations will give another insight into the areas of strength and areas for focus for each student before the full examination series begins in Module 5.
Year 11 Final Countdown Evening for parents / carers and students
On Wednesday 19th March we will have a ‘Final Countdown’ presentation in the Lecture Theatre at the following times:
Seacole and Shakespeare students, parents and carers: 5:30pm – 6.00pm
Curie and Mandela students, parents and carers: 6:15pm – 6.45pm
The presentation will cover all aspects of the remaining few months of Year 11 including:
- Mock exam results for English, maths and science (these will be given to you in an envelope upon your arrival)
- Easter revision sessions taking place through the Easter holiday
- Timetable changes through Module 6 as final subject examinations start to take place
- Examination day processes and expectations
- End of Year 11 events including the prom and leavers assembly
Parent – Teacher Day
On Tuesday 1st April you will receive the Module 4 report and on Wednesday 2nd April between 2.30pm – 7.00pm, you will have a final opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers to discuss their progress and key preparation in the final lead up to the examinations.
Google Site for students, parents and carers
We have now published a Google Site for students, parents and carers to help identify resources for revision including useful websites, strategies and links to past papers. Please click here to view the Google Site.
JCQ exam guidance
Please click on this link to review the recently published JCQ guidelines for the summer examination series.
A reminder that continuing excellent attendance and behaviour is vital to academic success. Students who continue to meet our standards and expectations will be invited to attend our Year 11 Prom in June 2025.
We look forward to supporting your child over the coming 12 school weeks until the first whole cohort examination arrives on Monday 12th May, and then through the examination period which runs until the end of June.
Thank you in advance for your ongoing support as we work in partnership to ensure your child’s success, and we will hopefully see you on Wednesday 19th March for the Year 11 Final Countdown event as detailed above.
Yours sincerely,
Mr K Brewer | Head of College and SLT Examination Lead