Year 9 Sports Day 2023

Line of students doing the shot put, as taken from the back

Dear Parents/Carers,

Following the cancellation of the Year 9 Sports Day on Tuesday, we have rearranged this event.

Your child’s Sports Day will now take place on:

  • Year 9 – Monday 26th June, 9.00am-11.45am

All Year 9 students should arrive no later than 8.20am as usual and go to their college line up area. Students will be registered by their tutors and then escorted down to the field / athletics track.

Students will be allowed to attend the academy in their college PE Kit for the day. They will not be permitted to wear any other kit or tracksuit during their sports day. PE Kit can be given out by the PE department on Monday between 8.30am – 8.45am with payment arranged by cash at reception at a later date.

Students will be allowed to attend the academy in their college PE Kit for the day. They will not be permitted to wear any other kit or tracksuit during their sports day. PE Kit can be given out by the PE department on Monday between 8.30am – 8.45am with payment arranged by cash at reception at a later date.

Students should still bring their bags and lesson equipment for Periods 3, 4 and 5 on Monday as their Sports Day will finish at 12.00pm. They will be escorted from the field at this point by their Period 3 teachers and follow their usual timetable (including lunch) for the rest of the day.

Parents are welcome to support students during their child’s Sports Day. If you wish to do so, please enter the sports field via GOAL’s reception in order to sign in with a member of our Leigh Academy staff.

Students who finish 1st and 2nd in their field events and record one of the first two fastest times in each track event will then have the opportunity to represent their college at the Academy Sports Day on Wednesday 28th June 2023.

Students who finish first in any event at Academy Sports Day will go through to represent The Leigh Academy at the Leigh Academies Trust Sports Day on Tuesday 11th July (Years 9 and 10) at Dartford Harriers Athletics Club. Details for these events will follow The Leigh Academy Sports Days.

One of our main priorities of these Sports Days are for students to try their best in their selected events and most importantly have fun. In order for this to be achieved, we expect students to behave in an appropriate manner which includes supporting other athletes and remaining respectful to staff. Any student not meeting these expectations will be removed from the sports day and taken to a classroom, supervised by a member of staff.

This year our student voice team will be selling some sweet refreshments and drinks during the Sports Days to raise money for our academy library. If you would like to buy any on the day please bring cash as this will be the only method of payment.

Finally, students need to be prepared for a variety of weather conditions on the day. We recommend that if rain is forecast students bring a rain jacket and if sun is forecast students apply sun cream, bring a hat and bring lots of water. This year, each college area will have a sheltered area to protect from both rain and sun. The current forecast is for bright sunshine and 25 degrees so please ensure your child does have plenty of water and sun cream if that does remain the case.

Please do not hesitate to contact us on 01322 620435 or email if you have any questions regarding these events.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Pickett
Coordinator of PE