Dear Parents/Carers,
On Thursday 11th May, Years 8 to 10 will be taking part in Coronation celebrations to acknowledge the coronation of King Charles III.
The day will be filled with activities such as old school games, ice cream, and a fun fair linking to fundamental British values and ensuring that our core IB values are drawn upon, for example being risk takers and communicators for the team activities. Each year group will have the opportunity to take part in the activities with their peers for a session during the day.
Students will be given the opportunity to take part in a range of activities; there is no cost to you.
The day will take place during normal academy hours and students are expected to wear their PE kit; non-school uniform is not permitted.
Students are required to bring their Chromebooks and usual equipment for the lessons they will be attending, during the rest of the day.
There will be a coronation theme to the food in the restaurant, which students are welcome to purchase, or your child can bring a packed lunch if this is what they usually do.
We hope that the day will give your child the opportunity to experience a range of individual and team activities and above all, have fun in celebrating the King’s Coronation.
Please do not hesitate to contact should you have any queries regarding the day.
Your Sincerely,
Lisa Bodle
Assistant Head of Seacole College