Dear Parent/ Carer
Re: Year 11 Parent-Teacher Meeting
On Wednesday 22nd March, you will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their subject teachers, during the Year 11 parent/teacher afternoon/evening. The in person parent/teacher meetings are an important part of your child’s education, especially in this most vital of years, and you will be able to discuss how your child is performing in each of their subjects. Your child is expected to attend the appointments with you at the academy, in full uniform.
I am pleased to inform you that making appointments should be simple and efficient via our School Cloud system, Parents will book appointments on the online platform, but appointments are in person on site, at The Leigh Academy. Login details will be resent to parents, just in case you have difficulty finding your previous login information.
The appointments take place between 2:30pm and 7:00pm and are five minutes long. Time slots are self booked and are on a first come, first served basis. On Monday 13th March we will resend your login details to you. Bookings will open on Wednesday 15th March at 12:00pm and will close on Wednesday 22nd March at 12:00pm. Details of how to access School Cloud and book your appointments can be found here.
When booking appointments if you experience any problems please email:
We are looking forward to welcoming you and we hope that you find the meetings informative.
Yours faithfully
David Freeman
Deputy Principal