
Two Post-16 students are shown collaborating on some work on a computer with smiles on their faces.

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our aim at The Leigh Academy is that all students achieve a minimum 95% attendance and are punctual arriving at the academy on time each day. A lack of punctuality can have a serious detrimental impact on student learning. We at The Leigh Academy want to ensure students have the best opportunities to achieve academically, but also whilst doing this, ensuring our students have real employability for life skills beyond their time at The Leigh Academy.

We are launching the updated punctuality system as follows:

Late 1-3 Occasions

S1 – 15 min detention – Bromcom notifications

Late 4-5 Occasions

S2 – 30 min detention – Phone call & letter

Late 6+ Occasions

S3 – 60 min detention – Meeting with parents

Persistent/Extreme Lates

Potential college isolation/internal isolation

This will be in place for the start of Module 4, Monday 20th February. Until half term we will continuing to track punctuality and remind students of the expectation regarding punctuality. We would also like to remind you that tutor time starts at 8.30 a.m. and students should be on site no later than 8.20 a.m. to join their college line ups. We also understand that there are, on occasions, exceptional circumstances that are beyond your control, which may result in your child arriving late. In this situation, please inform their College Admin Office at the earliest opportunity, or provide a note in your child’s planner.

Attendance and punctuality at The Leigh Academy strives to be above 95% as a minimum. Your support is appreciated in aiming for this target.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Mark Shepherd
Head of College – Shakespeare College

Punctuality poster - On time, every time.