Dear Parents/Carers,
I am very pleased to inform you that Post-16 students will now have the opportunity to participate in Healthy Minds sessions. Current Year 12 students will be the first cohort to benefit from this exciting new opportunity that we believe will greatly contribute to their personal development.
Healthy Minds is a unique approach to teaching personal, social and health topics that enables students to navigate the world within and beyond school. Students will enjoy a range of sessions that facilitate class discussions and debates. They will be exposed to a variety of topics that include building resilience, optimism, communication, mindset and personal strengths, as well as how to maintain healthy relationships. Mental resilience and emotional wellbeing are key attributes needed for success. Healthy Minds tutor time sessions will teach students skills and strategies that work in the real world.
The sessions will be led by Attenborough College tutors, who have all been specially trained to deliver the programme. The Leigh Academy was the first school in the UK to be accredited as a Healthy Minds school and the programme, which is delivered to all students in Years 7 to 10, has proved popular and beneficial to students in all year groups.
Healthy Minds sessions will be delivered during tutor time every Tuesday and will start in Module 4. This will require a small number of additional students to be in school for tutor time on Tuesday and they will have Directed Study for periods 1 and 2 added to their timetables, with an updated timetable being emailed to them before the February half term holiday.
If you would like to know more about this programme, please contact either Miss Marshall ( or Mrs Ramic (
Yours faithfully,
Mr Lee Forcella-Burton
Director of Post-16, leading Attenborough College