Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing with a start of 2023 curriculum update. This module has started well, with Year 9 students fully engaged in their learning across the curriculum.
A reminder that students study a range of subjects in Year 9 including English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, French or Spanish, Computing, Religious Studies/Ethics, PE, Design and Technology and Healthy Minds as well as their specialist subjects in the arts, computing or additional PE. These subjects are delivered through the IB MYP – International Baccalaureate Middle Years programme, which aims to prepare students to be successful in school and become active lifelong learners, encouraging students to make practical connections between their studies and the work around them. The IB MYP also embeds the qualities we want our young people to develop as promoted through the IB learner profiles of:
- Inquirers
- Knowledgeable
- Thinkers
- Communicators
- Principled
- Open-minded
- Caring
- Risk-takers
- Balanced
- Reflective
Through this module students will be having their interim (Mid Year) IB MYP assessments in class and will be tested on the knowledge and skills they have been learning and developing through the year. If you would like further information on your child’s learning in Year 9 please click here for the Year 9 Curriculum Booklet
A reminder that all Year 9 students are able to access the IB MYP World Map of Reading Challenge to win Literacy rewards, certificates and tokens for the Inter College Reading Trophy. To promote reading for pleasure, The Leigh Academy Virtual LIbrary is available to all, wherever students have access to the internet. It is full of wonderful texts, usefully placed in groups by genre or topic. Students can also request texts and leave book reviews, both of which will lead to more Literacy rewards
We are also approaching the GCSE options evening for Year 9. This process has already begun with a talk from The Department of Work and Pensions based on careers and subject choices and the timeline of additional events are as follows:
Wednesday 25th January: Presentation by Paul Hughes regarding his experience as a linguist and how learning languages led him into a career which included being a Hunter on Channel 4’s ‘Hunted’, setting up his own business and being an advisor to both the British government and the White House.
Friday 3rd February: Reading Age Testing
Tuesday 7th February: Year 9 Module 3 report published on MCAS
Wednesday 8th February: Year 9 Parent – Teacher afternoon- (letter with details on how to book appointments to follow)
Monday 20th February: Year 9 assembly introducing the GCSE Options Programme
Monday 20th – Friday 24th February: Year 9 careers week – how subject choices can lead to career pathways
Wednesday 22nd February: GCSE Options evening for parents and students (separate letter with additional details coming soon)
Thursday 23rd February – Friday 3rd March: Tutor time sessions to support GCSE subject decisions
Friday 10th March: Deadline for submitting Google Form with GCSE subject choices
If you wish to discuss your child’s progress or have any queries please do not hesitate to contact your child’s tutor in the first instance or college team who will be able to respond or direct you to the relevant member of staff. We look forward to supporting you and your child through the options process.
Your sincerely
Julia Collins