Year 11 Autumn Mock Examinations & Key Assessment Points 2022-23

Small group of Leigh Academy students talking together, one of them holding a Science model.

Dear Parents/Carers,

An overview of the key assessment points for Year 11 have been summarised below:

  • October 2022 – Module 1 subject end of module assessments
  • 28th November to 16th December 2022 – GCSE mock examination for all GCSE and BTEC subjects
  • W/c 12th December 2022 – GCSE MFL mock speaking examinations
  • 9th and w/c 12th December 2022 – GCSE and BTEC mock practical examinations
  • January and February 2023 – Level 2 BTEC public examinations (dates to be confirmed)
  • Monday 27th February 2023 – Year 11 mock week 2 (likely to be English, Mathematics and Science papers)
  • May and June 2023 – Public examination series GCSEs and BTECs

As you know, the purpose of the mock examinations is to provide an opportunity for students to begin revising the practical content of their GCSE subjects so that this can be committed to long-term memory. It is also to enable them to experience the pressure of working under examination conditions, managing their time in that situation, and navigating their way through examination papers and activities. We are sure you will join us in urging your son/daughter to make the very most of this opportunity to enhance his/her chances of success in the final examinations next summer by revising regularly.

Your son/daughter will receive an individual mock examination timetable that will be available on your My Child at School account. The overall master mock timetable will also be available on the academy website. Please can you ensure that your son/daughter is at the academy on time as we will need to ensure morning examinations begin promptly. Please also be aware that there may be occasions when examinations run past our usual 3:15pm finish time.

In addition, to the mock examinations, some of the Year 11 students have BTEC public examinations starting in January 2023. Your son/daughter will be issued with a timetable for these subjects, and a copy will also be posted on your My Child at School account.

We are sure you will join us in urging your son/daughter to make the very most of this opportunity to enhance his/her chances of success as these examinations are vital preparation for his/her actual qualifications in the summer.

Results Days

The GCSE results will be released on Thursday 24th August 2023. Vocational qualifications used to progress in a similar way will be issued on or before the same days, and other vocational qualification results will continue to be issued throughout the year.

Learning Support

With all of the above in mind, we are arranging for an external company called ‘Learning Performance’ to deliver a full-day workshop for Year 11 students in Module 3. The day will consist of 4 different sessions, all designed to help them with revision strategies and raising attainment through to their GCSE examinations next summer.

Students will be given more details about the timings and location of these sessions next module and we hope the day will help them plan more effectively for their final examinations next summer.

There will also be some revision sessions for students to attend in certain subjects during the second week of the half term break, Monday 31st October – Friday 4th November.

There are a lot of details in this letter and we will be holding Year 11 assemblies next module to share all of the above with students too.

If you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me

Yours faithfully,

Sarah Forde
Head of Mandela College
Examinations Lead